Friday, November 6, 2015

שאלות - חיי שרה

שאלות - חיי שרה

Questions for K - 2

1. How old was Sarah when she died? (23:1)

2. What is the name of the cave in which Avraham buried Sarah?  (23:9)

3. How much did Avraham pay for this piece of land? (23:16)

4. What nice things did Rivka do for Avraham’s servant? (24:18-20)

5. Who was  Rivka’s brother? (24:29)

6. Where was the first place that Yitzchak brought  Rivka? (24:66)

7. How old was Avraham when he died? (25:7)
 Questions for 3 - 5

1. What was the name of the city in which Sarah died? (23:2)

2. What was the name of the person who sold Avraham the burial site? (23:16

3. What was Eliezer’s prayer to Hashem  while standing next to the well? (24:12-14)

4. What did Eliezer give Rivka immediately after meeting her? (24:22)

5. For how long did Lavan and his mother ask that Rivka stay at home? (24:55)

6. Who made the final decision to leave and go with Eliezer? (24:58)

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