Friday, December 30, 2016

שאלות פרשת מקץ

Parshat Mikeitz - Questions

Questions K - 2

1. What did the weak cows do to the healthy cows? (41:4) 
2. What did the 7 healthy cows and the full ears of corn represent? (41:25 - 31
3. What was Yosef’s  suggestion to help Mizrayim through the famine? (41:34– 38) 
4. What  name did Yosef give his first born son?  What name did he give his second son?(41:50-52)
5. Yaakov sent ten brothers to Mizrayim to buy food, which brother stayed back? Why? 42:4)

Questions 3 - 5 

1. Describe Pharoh’s two dreams.(41:2– 7)

2. To whom did Yosef attribute his ability to interpet dreams? ( 41:16) 

3. Bonus: Pharoh appointed Yosef to a high position, gave him an official ring, dressed him in royal clothing, and had him ride around on a chariot before all of Mizrayim.  Who else in Jewish History was appointed to a high position, dressed in royal clothing, and rode around on a chariot before all of the people? (Can you think of a connection) 

4. Did the famine only effect Mizrayim? (41:57)

5. What did Yaakov tell his children to do about the famine? (42:2)

6. Did Yosef recognize his brothers? Did the brothers recognize  Yosef? (42:8)

7. What did the brothers find in their bags while returning home from their first trip to Mizrayim? What did Yaakov do about it? (42:27-28) & (43:12) 

Friday, December 23, 2016

שאלות פרשת וישב

שאלות פרשת וישב

Questions for grades K - 2

      1.  Describe the two dreams that Yosef dreamt? 
          (37:6-7 & 9)

2. Yosef was sent by Yaakov to visit his brothers.  What did the brothers do to Yosef when he found them?  (37:23-24)

3. Which brother convinced the brothers not to kill Yosef? (37:22)

4. What did Yaakov do when he saw Yosef’s bloody coat? (3 things) (37:34)

5. Which two people told their dreams to Yosef? (40:9 and 16)

6. How did Yosef interpret their dreams? (40:13 and 40:19)

 Questions for grades 3 - 5

1. Two of Yosef’s brothers saved him from the other brothers. They are _____________ and ____________. What did each one do? (37:22 and 37:26-27)

2.  Why was Yosef so successful as the slave in Potiphar’s house? (39:5)

3.  Pharaoh’s butler and winemaker were imprisoned.  Write the dream of each one of them. (40:9-11 and 40:16-17)

4.  How did Yosef interpret each dream? (40:12-13) (40:18-19)

Friday, December 9, 2016

שאלות פרשת ויצא

שאלות פרשת ויצא

Questions K - 2

1. Upon what did  Yakov lay his head to rest? ( 28:11)

2. What did Yakov do that the other shepreds were not able to do? (29:10) 

3. How did Lavan greet Yakov? (29:13)

4. What did Yakov say he wanted in return for working for Lavan? (29:18)

5. How many daughters did Lavan have, and what were their names?  

6. How did Lavan trick Yakov? (29:24) 

Questions 3 - 5

1. What two promises did Hashem make to Yakov in his dream? (28:13-14)  

2. What was Lavan’s answer to Yakov when asked why he tricked him? (29:26) 

3. How many additional years did Yakov work to marry Rachel? (29:27)  

BONUS How long did Yakov need to wait until he married Rachel? (Look closely at 29:28) 

4. What was the name of  Leah’s daughter? (30:21)

5. What areTeraphim? Who stole them (Rashi 31:19) 

6.What did Yakov say would happen to the person who had the idols? (31:32) 

Friday, December 2, 2016

שאלות פרשת תולדות

שאלות פרשת תולדות

Questions for K – Grade 2
1. What was Yitzchak’s wife’s name?  (25:20)
2. How does the Torah describe the appearance of Esav when he was born? (25:25)
3. How many children were born to Yitzchak and what were their names?(25:25-26)
4. What was another name for Esav? (25:30)
5. What happened to Yitzchak’s eyesight when he got older? (27:1)

Questions for Grades 3 - 5
1. What bothered Rivkah about her pregnancy? (25:22)
2. Why was Yaakov named “Yaakov?” (25:26)
3. What was Esav’s occupation? (25:27)

4. What color is emphasized with regard to Esav? (25:30)Think of two reasons why.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Parshat Chayei Sarah Questions

Parshat Chayei Sarah Questions
This week most answers can be found in Rashi - Shabbat Shalom
Image result for ‫פרשת חיי שרה‬‎
  1. Name the four couples buried in Kiryat Arba.  Rashi 23:2
  2. Where was Avraham born? Rashi 24:7 
  3. How were Avraham's camels distinguished? Rashi 24:10 
  4. What special character trait did Eliezer seek when choosing a wife for Yitzchak? Rashi 24:14
  5. Who did Eliezer want Yitzchak to marry? Rashi 24:39
  6. What did Rivka mean when she said "I will go?"  Rashi 24:58 
  7. .How old was Avraham when he died? 25:7
  8. BONUS QUESTION - How many times is Eliezer's name mentioned in this week's Parsha? 

Friday, November 18, 2016

שאלות פרשת וירא

שאלות פרשת וירא

Questions for K - 2
1. How did Avraham greet the 3 visitors? (18:2)
2. What news did the three strangers bring with them? (18:10)
3. What argument did Avraham use to try and save Sodom? (18:23– 30) 
4. What did Lot say to the two visitors in Sodom? (19:2) 
5. What Mitzvah did both Avraham and Lot perform in this week’s parsha?
6. How old was Avraham when Yitzchak was born? (21:5)

Questions for 3- 5
1. How did Sarah react to the news the three strangers brought? Why did she react that way? (18:12)
2. Who prayed to G-d on behalf of Sodom? What did he ask of G-d? (18:23-30)
3. What command did the messengers give Lot and his family when they were leaving Sodom? (19:17)
4, Why did Sarah ask for Yishmael to be sent away? (21:9-10)
5. To which place was Avraham commanded to take Yitzchak for the Akeida? (22:2)
6. What was used at the Akeida instead of Yitzchak? (22:13)

Friday, November 11, 2016

שאלות פרשת לך לך

שאלות פרשת לך לך

Questions for K - 2
Whose house must Avram leave and to where must he go? (12:1) 
Who was Lot? (12:5)
Where did Avram go when there was no food in Eretz Cna’an?  (12:10)

Why did Lot move away from Avram ? (13:6-7)
Lot was taken captive. Who saved him? (14:14-18)
To what did G-d compare Avram’s descendants, the Jewish people? (15:5)
What were the new names that G-d gave Avram and Sarai ( 17:5 & 17:15)

What Mitzvah did Avram receive in this Parsha? (17:10)

Questions for 3-5

What promises did G-d make to Avram if he would leave Charan? (12:2) 

Where did Avram go when a famine struck Eretz Cna’an? (12:10)
What did Avram ask Sarai to say about their relationship? (12:13)
There was a war between the “Five Kings” and the “Four Kings.”  Who won the War? What person was responsible for this victory? (14:14-22)

Why did Avram refuse to accept a reward for saving Lot and S’dom? (14: 22-23) 
What Mitzvah did Avram receive in this parsha? (17:10)

Friday, November 4, 2016

שאלות פרשת נח

שאלות פרשת נח

K - 2 Questions

1. What word does the Torah use to describe Noach?  (6:9)  

2. Why did G-d want to destroy humanity? (6:13)
3. How many days did it rain?  (7:2)
4. What was the first bird that Noach sent out of the Ark? (8:8)
5 What did G-d promise to NEVER do again? What in nature is the sign of this promise?  (9:8-15)
6. How many languages did the people of the world speak before the story the Migdal Bavel? (11:1)

Questions 3 - 5

1. According to Rashi, how many years did it take Noach to build the Ark (6:14)
2. How many pairs of animals did Noach take onto the Ark? (6:19)

3. How many pairs of kosher animals did Noach take on to the Ark? (7:1-3)
4. For how many days did the waters keep rising on the Earth? (7:24
5. How many times did Noach send out the dove (יונה)? (:8-12)
6. Give one reason, according to Rashi, for building a tower to the heavens. (11:1 Rashi)

Friday, September 30, 2016

Parsha Questions Nitzavim

Students can answer the questions on a separate piece of paper and bring it to the office. Nekudot will be awarded! 

Grades 1-2

1. On the last day of his life Moshe gathered the Jewish people. Who was invited ? (29:9-10)
 2. The Torah states that “It is not in the heavens.. nor is it across the sea…” What is the “it” in the pasuk? (30:12)
3. Moshe is speaking to Bnei Yisrael on the last day of his life. How old is Moshe? (31:2)
 4. What is the name of the leader that Moshe places in charge? (31:23)

 Grades 3-5
 1. Why are the children included in the last speech of Moshe?
 2. The Torah states that “It is not in the heavens… nor is it across the sea…” What lesson is this trying to teach? (30:12)
 3. Does Moshe cross the Yarden and bring Bnei Yisrael into Eretz Yisrael? (31:2)
 4. Moshe commands Bnei Yisrael to gather at the end of 7 years, during the Shmitta year and read a special Parsha. During what Holiday do we read this Parsha? (31:10)
 5. What is the name of the leader that Moshe places in charge? (31:23)
 6. What did Moshe promise that the leader would be able to accomplish? (31:23) 

Dvar torah Nitzavim

Beginning the week prior to Rosh Hashana, through the Aseret Yimei Teshuva and Yom Kippur, we spend our days looking inward at our thoughts and actions over the course of the past year. Though Hashem has given us the gift of Teshuva and the ability to completely erase any misdeeds, we all know how hard it is to face our Yetzer Harah and conquer any temptations that it may place before us. In Parshat Nitzavim however, Hashem simplifies our internal battle, almost removing any hardships in overcoming our evil inclination. In Devarim 30:19, Hashem says,  ”I have set life and death before you, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you may live.” Each year, thousands of people attend conventions, lectures and travel the world in search of happiness and the meaning of life. In one statement, Hashem saves us each time and energy, supplying us with the key that so many search for. Only by choosing the right path and following in Hashem’s ways will we ever achieve a meaningful and enduring happy life.

 At the beginning of this topic, Hashem says, -  ”See that I have placed before you today life and goodness” (Devarim 30:15). R’ Moshe Feinstein highlights the word היום today, to make a beautiful point. It is often so easy to get wrapped up in your own actions and despite any desire to better ourselves, we feel hopeless and quit before you even make an attempt. Never should we think that our paths are set or fixed, but rather, each day a new life is given to be fulfilled and established. Regardless of one’s past decisions or actions, we have a chance each day to “choose life” and follow the true path of ultimate happiness.

Parshat Nitzvaim coincides each year both with Rosh Hashana as well as the start of a new school year. Starting a new beginning implies closing the doors on what once was and starting fresh; in school, our friends and families, our connection with Hashem and our relationship even within ourselves. May we each have the strength to embrace the opportunity of a new “yom” and new beginnings to have a year of much happiness and success in all areas of life.

K’tiva V’Chatima Tova! Have a beautiful Shabbat, Kayla Bluman

Friday, September 23, 2016

Dvar Torah - Parshat Ki Tavo

This week’s Parsha, Parshat Ki Tavo ,begins by introducing the Mitzvah of Bikkurim .This מצוה entails taking our first fruit and bringing it to the בית המקדש. Interestingly, there is no mandated amount of fruit that must be brought. A farmer is permitted to bring even one fruit (albeit he is certainly encouraged to bring even more), as long as it is from his first crop. While submitting only one fruit from one’s crop may not seem like a big deal, it is crucial to put ourselves in the mindset of this farmer. The farmer has sweated and toiled over his crop for months. He has waited to finally be able to see the fruits of his labor. When finally, the first fruit sprouts, his excitement is palpable; that single fruit is his pride and joy. It is that single fruit which must be brought to the בית המקדש .

This year, we will be focusing on at 50. The theme of this year will be focusing on the ירושלים reunification of and its centrality in our lives. This month in particular, we are focusing on good deeds, and the little things that we can do to make those around us smile. To start the year, we had a school wide learning program. One of the ideas that we learned, is that the Beit Hamikdash was destroyed for Sinat Chinam. In order to rebuild the Beit Hamikdash, we must focus on loving those around us and treating them properly. I think this idea very much connects to the which must be brought ביכורים to  ירושלים .There is a משנה that we learn every day after ברכות התורה   that lists the that have no minimum requirement. מצוות Amongst those are  the מצוות of  ביכורים and גמילות חסדים

Perhaps one can argue, that both of these מצוות represent a qualitative action, which although at times may be small, require effort and yield an impact that can be far reaching. Let us begin this year focusing on how we treat one another, and realizing that every small act of kindness, if done sincerely and properly, can have far reaching effects.

Shabbat Shalom, Mr. Josh Rossman 

Parshat Ki Tavo

Grades 1-3
  1. Bikurim is the mitzvah to bring which fruits to the kohen and how were they brought? 23:2, 3
  2. In this parsha , four psukim are read during which chag? When during that chag? 26:5-7
  3. What response by Bnai Yisrael is stated twelve times in the parsha? 27:15-26
  4. What four word phrase is used in this parsha three times to describe Eretz C’naan? 26:9, 15 and 27:3
  5. Which of the ten makkot are mentioned in this parsha? 28:21, 27, 38
Grades 4 and 5
  1. Bikurim is the mitzvah to bring which fruits to the Bet Hamikdash? Rashi 26:2 “Mereishit
  2. Describe how the bikurim were brought to the Bet Hamikdash? Rashi 26:4 “Velakach hacohen
  3. There is a mitzvah to write the entire Torah on large stones at the entrance to Eretz Yisrael. In how many languages is it written? Rashi 27:8 “Baer heytev

Friday, June 17, 2016

שאלות פרשת נשא

שאלות פרשת נשא

Questions K - 2
1.   Shevet Levi is divided into three families. What are the names of the families? (4:224:294:34) BONUS - From which family was Aharon?
2.   What is a Nazir not allowed to drink? (6:3)
3.   Who does G-d command to bless Bnei Yisrael? (6:22,23)
4.   The head of each shevet gave gifts to the mishkan. How many covered wagons and oxen did they give? (7:3)
5.   For what purpose did the Levi’im use these wagons (7:5-8)?
Outside of Israel, when do the Kohanim bless the Jewish people

Questions 3 - 5
1. When a person is diagnosed with Tzara’at, what is the first thing he must do? (5:2,3)
2. List the 2 things a Nazir must not do: (6:3-6)         
3. Write the Birkat Kohanim. (6:25-26)
4. What is the difference between Yivarechecha and V’yishmarecha? (Rashi 6:24)
Bonus: Name 3 times a year that the Kohanim bless the rest of Bnei Yisrael?

5. At the end of the parsha Moshe entered the Ohel Moed) to speak with G-d. From where was the voice of G-d speaking?