Thursday, November 24, 2016

Parshat Chayei Sarah Questions

Parshat Chayei Sarah Questions
This week most answers can be found in Rashi - Shabbat Shalom
Image result for ‫פרשת חיי שרה‬‎
  1. Name the four couples buried in Kiryat Arba.  Rashi 23:2
  2. Where was Avraham born? Rashi 24:7 
  3. How were Avraham's camels distinguished? Rashi 24:10 
  4. What special character trait did Eliezer seek when choosing a wife for Yitzchak? Rashi 24:14
  5. Who did Eliezer want Yitzchak to marry? Rashi 24:39
  6. What did Rivka mean when she said "I will go?"  Rashi 24:58 
  7. .How old was Avraham when he died? 25:7
  8. BONUS QUESTION - How many times is Eliezer's name mentioned in this week's Parsha? 

Friday, November 18, 2016

שאלות פרשת וירא

שאלות פרשת וירא

Questions for K - 2
1. How did Avraham greet the 3 visitors? (18:2)
2. What news did the three strangers bring with them? (18:10)
3. What argument did Avraham use to try and save Sodom? (18:23– 30) 
4. What did Lot say to the two visitors in Sodom? (19:2) 
5. What Mitzvah did both Avraham and Lot perform in this week’s parsha?
6. How old was Avraham when Yitzchak was born? (21:5)

Questions for 3- 5
1. How did Sarah react to the news the three strangers brought? Why did she react that way? (18:12)
2. Who prayed to G-d on behalf of Sodom? What did he ask of G-d? (18:23-30)
3. What command did the messengers give Lot and his family when they were leaving Sodom? (19:17)
4, Why did Sarah ask for Yishmael to be sent away? (21:9-10)
5. To which place was Avraham commanded to take Yitzchak for the Akeida? (22:2)
6. What was used at the Akeida instead of Yitzchak? (22:13)

Friday, November 11, 2016

שאלות פרשת לך לך

שאלות פרשת לך לך

Questions for K - 2
Whose house must Avram leave and to where must he go? (12:1) 
Who was Lot? (12:5)
Where did Avram go when there was no food in Eretz Cna’an?  (12:10)

Why did Lot move away from Avram ? (13:6-7)
Lot was taken captive. Who saved him? (14:14-18)
To what did G-d compare Avram’s descendants, the Jewish people? (15:5)
What were the new names that G-d gave Avram and Sarai ( 17:5 & 17:15)

What Mitzvah did Avram receive in this Parsha? (17:10)

Questions for 3-5

What promises did G-d make to Avram if he would leave Charan? (12:2) 

Where did Avram go when a famine struck Eretz Cna’an? (12:10)
What did Avram ask Sarai to say about their relationship? (12:13)
There was a war between the “Five Kings” and the “Four Kings.”  Who won the War? What person was responsible for this victory? (14:14-22)

Why did Avram refuse to accept a reward for saving Lot and S’dom? (14: 22-23) 
What Mitzvah did Avram receive in this parsha? (17:10)

Friday, November 4, 2016

שאלות פרשת נח

שאלות פרשת נח

K - 2 Questions

1. What word does the Torah use to describe Noach?  (6:9)  

2. Why did G-d want to destroy humanity? (6:13)
3. How many days did it rain?  (7:2)
4. What was the first bird that Noach sent out of the Ark? (8:8)
5 What did G-d promise to NEVER do again? What in nature is the sign of this promise?  (9:8-15)
6. How many languages did the people of the world speak before the story the Migdal Bavel? (11:1)

Questions 3 - 5

1. According to Rashi, how many years did it take Noach to build the Ark (6:14)
2. How many pairs of animals did Noach take onto the Ark? (6:19)

3. How many pairs of kosher animals did Noach take on to the Ark? (7:1-3)
4. For how many days did the waters keep rising on the Earth? (7:24
5. How many times did Noach send out the dove (יונה)? (:8-12)
6. Give one reason, according to Rashi, for building a tower to the heavens. (11:1 Rashi)