Friday, June 17, 2016

שאלות פרשת נשא

שאלות פרשת נשא

Questions K - 2
1.   Shevet Levi is divided into three families. What are the names of the families? (4:224:294:34) BONUS - From which family was Aharon?
2.   What is a Nazir not allowed to drink? (6:3)
3.   Who does G-d command to bless Bnei Yisrael? (6:22,23)
4.   The head of each shevet gave gifts to the mishkan. How many covered wagons and oxen did they give? (7:3)
5.   For what purpose did the Levi’im use these wagons (7:5-8)?
Outside of Israel, when do the Kohanim bless the Jewish people

Questions 3 - 5
1. When a person is diagnosed with Tzara’at, what is the first thing he must do? (5:2,3)
2. List the 2 things a Nazir must not do: (6:3-6)         
3. Write the Birkat Kohanim. (6:25-26)
4. What is the difference between Yivarechecha and V’yishmarecha? (Rashi 6:24)
Bonus: Name 3 times a year that the Kohanim bless the rest of Bnei Yisrael?

5. At the end of the parsha Moshe entered the Ohel Moed) to speak with G-d. From where was the voice of G-d speaking?