Dvar Torah Parashat Toldot

It says in the Torah that Yaakov received his name because he was holding onto Esav’s heel. Yaakov was supposed to be born first, but knowing this made Esav push him out of the way. Yaakov grabbed Esav’s heel to try to change this, but Esav still came out first.
Later in their lives, Yaakov would spend his time learning in his tent, while Esav hunted in the field and brought food to Yitzchak. They were both doing good things. Esav was liked by his father, Yitzchak, and Yaakov was liked by his mother, Rivkah. Each of them, even Esav, had some good qualities. We learn from this, that even if it seems from the outside that someone is not good, it is important to get to know them and this way we could find good qualities in everyone.
Shabbat Shalom,Jacob Horn and Yosi Gold
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