2. What news did the three strangers bring with them? (18:10)
3. What argument did Avraham use to try and save Sodom? (18:23-30)
4. What did Lot say to the two visitors in Sodom? (19:2)
5. What Mitzvah did both Avraham and Lot perform in this week’s Parsha?
5. How old was Avraham when Yizchak was born? ( 21:5)
Grades 3- 5
1. How did Sarah react to the news the three strangers brought? Why did she react that way?(18:12)
2. Who prayed to God on behalf of Sodom? What did he ask of God? (18:23-30)
3. What command did the messengers give Lot and his family when they were leaving Sodom? (19:17)
4, Why did Sarah ask for Yishmael to be sent away? (21:9-10)
5. To which place was Avraham commanded to take Yitzchak for the Akeida? (22:2)
6. What was used at the Akeida instead of Yitzchak? (22:13)
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