שאלות לפרשת וארא
Questions K - 2
1. Why didn’t Bnai Yisrael listen to Moshe when he said G-d would save them? (6:9)
2. What was the reason Moshe thought Pharaoh would not listen to him? (6:12)
3. What happened when Aharon threw down his stick in front of Pharaoh? (7:10)
4. How did Pharaoh know that the plague of lice was from G-d and was not a coincidence? (8:15)
5. What was special about the plague of hail that fell in Mizrayim? (9:24)
Questions 3 - 5
1. In Chapter 6, we find the four words for redemption for which we drink four cups of wine on Pesach. What are the four words? (6:6-8)
2. The first three plagues were performed by Aharon and not by Moshe, why?
(Rashi 7-19)
3. What did Pharaoh’s magicians do after Aharon turned the river to blood that convinced Pharaoh not to send out Bnai Yisrael? (7:22)
4. What happened to all the frogs that G- brought to Egypt once the plague was over? (8:9)
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