Wednesday, January 20, 2016

שאלות פרשת יתרו

שאלות פרשת יתרו

Questions K - 2
1. Who was:  Yitro? Tzipora? Eliezer? Gershom? (18:1-4)
2. What did Yitro see Moshe doing from morning until night? (18:14)
3. What advice did Yitro give to save Moshe from wearing himself out? (18:21)
4. For what event were Bnai Yisrael preparing themselves for three days? (19:14-16)
5. What day of the week does the Torah refer to when it says, “Do not do any work”? (20:10)

What is the Hebrew date for the giving of the Torah?
What are the first 3 words of the Aseret Hadibrot?

Questions 3- 5

1. Who was Yitro? When he saw Moshe judging the people, he suggested a better way of
 judging them.  What was his suggestion?  (18:19 24)
 2. What word did Bnai Yisrael say when they accepted the Torah from Hashem? (19:8)
 3. Who were the only two people allowed to go on Har Sinai? (19:24)
 4. Name all the people that are required to rest on Shabbat. (20:10)
 5.  What reward does one receive for honoring theiparents?  (20:12


Compare the Aseret Hadibrot in Shemot (20:2-14) to the Aseret Hadibrot in Devarim (5:6-18). How many differences can you find? ___________   5=Expert, 4= Excellent, 2= Great 

שאלות פרשת בשלח

שאלות פרשת בשלח

Questions K - 2
1. What did G-d provide for Bnai Yisrael in order to guide them during the day and night? (13:21)
2. How did G-d save Bnai Yisrael from the Mitzrim at Yam Suf ? (14:21 -28)
3. Who had a change of heart thinking that Bnai Yisrael would not escape in the desert? (14:3)
4. What was wrong with the water at Marah? (15:22)
Bonus - Moshe threw a stick into the water to make it sweet. What is the Hebrew word for “sweet?”
5.  Bnai Yisrael complained about not having any food. What food did G-d send every morning? (16:4)
6. What food fell in the evening? (16:13)
7. What nation attacked the Jewish people at the end of this week’s parsha? (17:8-9)

Questions 3 - 5
1. Why didn’t G-d lead Bnai Yisrael by way of the Plishtim? (13:17)
2. What did Bnai Yisrael say when they saw the Egyptians running after them?  (14:10 12)
3. How did Moshe respond to Bnai Yisrael? (14:13)
4. What moved behind Bnai Yisrael to protect them from the Egyptians? (14:19)
5. What song that Bnai Yisrael sang after crossing Yam Suf do we say daily in tefila? (15:1)
6. How much of the Mann was collected every day in the wilderness and how much was collected on Friday? Why? (16:15-22)
7. What nation attacked the Jewish people at the end of this week’s parsha? (17:8-9)

Friday, January 15, 2016

שאלות פרשת בא

Questions K - 2
1. What are the names of the three plagues that appear in Parshat Bo? (10:4, 10:22, 11:5)
2. How many days did the plague of darkness last? (10:21-22)
3. What did the Jewish people do on the 10th of Nisan to prepare for Pesach? (12:3-5
4. What two foods is it a mitzvah to eat with the Korban Pesach? (12:8)
5. During which season did Bnai Yisrael leave Mitzrayim? (13:4-5)
6. Why is the holiday remembering when Bnai Yisrael left Egypt called Pesach?
7. What mitzvah do we learn from the last pasuk in this week’s parsha? (14:16)

Questions 3 - 5
1. What are the Hebrew names of the three plagues that appear in Parshat Bo? (10:4, 10:22, 11:5)
2. Did Pharaoh have a change of heart as a result of the plague of locust? (10:16)
3. Which month is referred to in the Torah as the “first month”? (Rashi 12:2)
4. What two foods is it a mitzvah to eat with the Korban Pesach? (12:8)
5. What is the special name for the night that Bnai Yisrael left Mitzrayim? (12:42)
6. Why did the Jewish people carry the matzah on their shoulders rather than having animals carry it? (Rashi 12:34 )
7. What is the name of the mitzvah done to a firstborn male child on the 30th day of his life? (13:12-13)
8. What mitzvah do we learn from the last pasuk in this week’s parsha? (14:16)

דבר תורה פרשת בא

In this week’s parsha, Parshat Bo, Hashem sends the last three plagues, locust, darkness, and the death of the first born. Through the plague of darkness, we see that G-d not only has a master plan, but he always goes the extra mile for us. Hashem tells the Jewish people to go into the Egyptian homes when the Egyptians can’t see and look for the belongings that the they stole, but not to take them. Later, when Pharaoh gives Bnei Yisrael permission to leave, they go to the houses of people who stole their belongings and tell them to give the back their belongings. When the Egyptians lied and said they don’t have them, Bnei Yisrael scared them and told them where it was. The Egyptians were so scared that they gave the Jew’s belongings back. From this we see that Hashem was looking out for the nation even while they were in Egypt.
Shabbat Shalom,

Judah Shankman        

Thursday, January 7, 2016

דבר תורה לפרשת וארא

דבר תורה לפרשת וארא

In this week’s parsha, Rashi asks us a question. Why does Hashem start with the plague of turning water into blood? There is significance to everything that happens, what is the meaning here? Since it hardly ever rained in Egypt, the Nile was their water source. The Nile would rise and water the ground and provide the Egyptians with water. They were so dependent on this source that they would worship the Nile. With this fact, Hashem took out the Nile first, as though he was destroying their god. This shows that Hashem always has a reason for what he does. He didn’t randomly give out plagues, he made sure to punish everyone based on what they did. Each had a good “backstory” for why it was chosen.  

Shabbat Shalom,

Paige Schwartz

שאלות לפרשת וארא

שאלות לפרשת וארא

Questions K - 2

1. Why didn’t Bnai Yisrael listen to Moshe when he said G-d would save them? (6:9)

2. What was the reason Moshe thought Pharaoh would not listen to him? (6:12)

3. What happened when Aharon threw down his stick in front of Pharaoh? (7:10)

4.  How did Pharaoh know that the plague of lice was from G-d and was not a coincidence?  (8:15)

5. What was special about the plague of hail that fell in Mizrayim? (9:24)

Questions 3 - 5

1. In Chapter 6, we find the four words for redemption for which we drink four cups of wine on Pesach.  What are the four words? (6:6-8)

2. The first three plagues were performed by Aharon and not by Moshe, why?
(Rashi 7-19)

3. What did Pharaoh’s magicians do after Aharon turned the river to blood that convinced Pharaoh not to send out Bnai Yisrael? (7:22)

4.  What happened to all the frogs that G- brought to Egypt once the plague was over? (8:9)