Friday, October 16, 2015

שאלות פרשת נח

Grades 1 and 2
1. What word does the Torah use to describe Noach?  (6:9)   
2. Why did God want to destroy humanity? (6:13
3.How many days did it rain?  (7:2) 
4. What was the first bird that Noach sent out of the Ark ?(8:8) 
5 What did God promise to NEVER do again? What in nature is the sign of  this promise?  (9:8-15)
6. How many languages did the people of the world speak before the story the Tower of Bavel? (11:1) 
Grades 3-5
1. According to Rashi, how many years did it take Noach to build the Ark (6:14)
2. How many pairs of animals did Noach take onto the Ark? (6:19

3. How many pairs of Kosher animals did Noach take onto the Ark? (7:1-3) 

4. How many days did the waters keep rising on the Earth? (7:24

5. How many times did Noach send out the Dove (יונה)? (:8-12) 

6. Give one reason, according to Rashi for building a tower to the heavens. (11:1 Rashi)

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