In this weeks Parsha we read about an escapee that reports to Avram that his nephew, Lot, was taken captive. After hearing this, Avram quickly gathers his forces to liberate Lot and save Sodom. He ends up successful on both accounts.
Who was this reporter? What ever happened to him? And is there a message that we can learn from his story?
According the Midrash, this person was Og, the King of Bahsan. He lived for many years after surviving the flood. This was the same King Og that Moshe was afraid of when the Jewish People were preparing to conquer Canaan. The Gemera explains that Moshe was afraid that the merit of saving Lot's life would protect Og when the Jewish People came to attack.
Interestingly, the Midrash elaborates on the reason why Og reported to Avram about Lot. His plan was for Avram to hear his report, and then to go to war and die in the battle. This would leave Sarah without a husband and Og would marry her. We see that even though Og did it for a different reason there still was a reward.
We can not understand how rewards are given out by Hashem. Things that we might see as small and minor might be really remarkable and great. Things that we might think deserve no reward or recognition might really deserve a great reward and high praise. There is no way to know how Hashem works with reward and punishment. We can only choose to do the right thing - big or small.