1st and 2nd Grade
1. Is a Korban Olah a male or female animal? (1:3)
2. What type of bread is brought with the Mincha offering? (2:4)
3. Is a Korban Shelamim a male or female animal? (3:1)
4. Why is a Korban Chatat offered? (4:27)
3rd – 5th Grades
1. What kind of animal is the Korban Olah in this Pasuk? (1:3)
2. What does the person who brings the Korban do with his hands? (1:4)
3. What kind of animal is the Korban Olah in this Pasuk? (1:10)
4. What is the name of the Korban you bring if you sinned by mistake? (4:27-29)
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