Friday, December 30, 2016

שאלות פרשת מקץ

Parshat Mikeitz - Questions

Questions K - 2

1. What did the weak cows do to the healthy cows? (41:4) 
2. What did the 7 healthy cows and the full ears of corn represent? (41:25 - 31
3. What was Yosef’s  suggestion to help Mizrayim through the famine? (41:34– 38) 
4. What  name did Yosef give his first born son?  What name did he give his second son?(41:50-52)
5. Yaakov sent ten brothers to Mizrayim to buy food, which brother stayed back? Why? 42:4)

Questions 3 - 5 

1. Describe Pharoh’s two dreams.(41:2– 7)

2. To whom did Yosef attribute his ability to interpet dreams? ( 41:16) 

3. Bonus: Pharoh appointed Yosef to a high position, gave him an official ring, dressed him in royal clothing, and had him ride around on a chariot before all of Mizrayim.  Who else in Jewish History was appointed to a high position, dressed in royal clothing, and rode around on a chariot before all of the people? (Can you think of a connection) 

4. Did the famine only effect Mizrayim? (41:57)

5. What did Yaakov tell his children to do about the famine? (42:2)

6. Did Yosef recognize his brothers? Did the brothers recognize  Yosef? (42:8)

7. What did the brothers find in their bags while returning home from their first trip to Mizrayim? What did Yaakov do about it? (42:27-28) & (43:12) 

Friday, December 23, 2016

שאלות פרשת וישב

שאלות פרשת וישב

Questions for grades K - 2

      1.  Describe the two dreams that Yosef dreamt? 
          (37:6-7 & 9)

2. Yosef was sent by Yaakov to visit his brothers.  What did the brothers do to Yosef when he found them?  (37:23-24)

3. Which brother convinced the brothers not to kill Yosef? (37:22)

4. What did Yaakov do when he saw Yosef’s bloody coat? (3 things) (37:34)

5. Which two people told their dreams to Yosef? (40:9 and 16)

6. How did Yosef interpret their dreams? (40:13 and 40:19)

 Questions for grades 3 - 5

1. Two of Yosef’s brothers saved him from the other brothers. They are _____________ and ____________. What did each one do? (37:22 and 37:26-27)

2.  Why was Yosef so successful as the slave in Potiphar’s house? (39:5)

3.  Pharaoh’s butler and winemaker were imprisoned.  Write the dream of each one of them. (40:9-11 and 40:16-17)

4.  How did Yosef interpret each dream? (40:12-13) (40:18-19)

Friday, December 9, 2016

שאלות פרשת ויצא

שאלות פרשת ויצא

Questions K - 2

1. Upon what did  Yakov lay his head to rest? ( 28:11)

2. What did Yakov do that the other shepreds were not able to do? (29:10) 

3. How did Lavan greet Yakov? (29:13)

4. What did Yakov say he wanted in return for working for Lavan? (29:18)

5. How many daughters did Lavan have, and what were their names?  

6. How did Lavan trick Yakov? (29:24) 

Questions 3 - 5

1. What two promises did Hashem make to Yakov in his dream? (28:13-14)  

2. What was Lavan’s answer to Yakov when asked why he tricked him? (29:26) 

3. How many additional years did Yakov work to marry Rachel? (29:27)  

BONUS How long did Yakov need to wait until he married Rachel? (Look closely at 29:28) 

4. What was the name of  Leah’s daughter? (30:21)

5. What areTeraphim? Who stole them (Rashi 31:19) 

6.What did Yakov say would happen to the person who had the idols? (31:32) 

Friday, December 2, 2016

שאלות פרשת תולדות

שאלות פרשת תולדות

Questions for K – Grade 2
1. What was Yitzchak’s wife’s name?  (25:20)
2. How does the Torah describe the appearance of Esav when he was born? (25:25)
3. How many children were born to Yitzchak and what were their names?(25:25-26)
4. What was another name for Esav? (25:30)
5. What happened to Yitzchak’s eyesight when he got older? (27:1)

Questions for Grades 3 - 5
1. What bothered Rivkah about her pregnancy? (25:22)
2. Why was Yaakov named “Yaakov?” (25:26)
3. What was Esav’s occupation? (25:27)

4. What color is emphasized with regard to Esav? (25:30)Think of two reasons why.